Jonatan Teigland, Team Leader Process Mining & Teodor Bjurling, Value Engineer

Jonatan Teigland, Team Leader Process Mining & Teodor Bjurling, Value Engineer

End to end process intelligence finding and capturing the value hiding in processes

Celonis drive Finance Transformation by using Process Mining & Intelligence to uncover the value opportunities hiding in your finance processes right now, without disrupting the systems you already use.
During this session you will get some hands on examples showcasing cash flow optimization, operational excellence and productivity improvements. You will also hear from concrete examples and lessons learned shared by Jonatan Teigland at Statkraft.

  • How can you optimize payment terms, preventing duplicate payments, and accelerate collections?
  • In what ways can you identify and address process inefficiencies and opportunities for Intelligent Automation?
  • How can you manage risk and compliance by automatically identify and flag potential issues?

Jonatan Teigland | Team Leader Process Mining | Statkraft & Teodor Bjurling | Value Engineer | Celonis