Welcome to a unique opportunity to join EBG | Network on April 25th in Stockholm at no cost. A select number of people – practitioners only – will get a no cost ticket to join CFO Outlook on April 25th via Ivalua! Once registered (you will be sent a registration link if you are selected) you can substitute your presence with a colleague should you get sick or equal.

The below interest form is not a registration form and not a binding registration – it is an interest form letting EBG know you are interested in joining.

By selecting Yes I agree, you agree to submit your information to the summit organizer EBG | Network. Tickets are limited and EBG have the right to select who get the no cost tickets. Only practitioners are in question. Included in the no cost ticket is conference, lunch, documentation and a full day conference on April 25th. Please review the EBG privacy policies for more details (https://cpooutlook.com/privacy-policy/)